Faculty Profile

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      About myself

Dr. G.Karuna, Professor & HOD in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Engineering department has completed her Ph.D from JNTUH, Hyderabad in the domain of Image Processing. She has over sixteen years of academic and research experience. She has published 66 papers in referred International Journals and Conferences, published 3 IPR patents (India), one innovation patent (IP Australia) and written two books for SCDE, JNTUH, and Hyderabad. Dr. G.Karuna Research Interests are Image Processing, Computer Networks, Cryptography and Network Security, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning. She is a life member of CSI and ISTE. She is certified in Oracle Certified Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer (OCJP) and Oracle Certified Web Component Developer (OCWCD). Dr.Karuna received an Outstanding Woman Researcher Award in VIWA-2021 at Chennai. She actively participated in ICT moodle activities for many courses taught at GRIET. She also received certifications in five courses from National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). She has played major role to bridge gap between academy & industry by organizing various FDP/workshops on current trending technologies such as “Big Data Analytics”, “Data Science”, “Machine Learning Applications with PySpark” and “R-Workshop”.

☎ Contact Details
Professor & HOD
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: karuna.g@griet.ac.in, karunavenkatg@gmail.com
Mobile: 91-9849420327

      Curriculam Vitae

Educational Details

  • Ph.D (Computer Science and Engineering), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Telangana. Supervisor: Dr.P.Chandrasekhar Reddy, JNTUH, Hyderabad. (2011-2016).
  • MTech(Computer Science and Engineering), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering, Hyderabad. (2008-2010)

Professional Background

  • Presently working as a Professor & HOD in the Department of AIML, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad, from October 2021.
  • Worked as a Professor in CSE Department, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad, from August 2016.
  • Worked as an Associate Professor in CSE Department, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Hyderabad, from June 2015 to August 2016.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in CSE Department, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad, from May 2012 to June 2015.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of Information Technology, JBIET, Hyderabad, September 2011 to April 2012.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of MCA, MRITS, Hyderabad, June 2006 to September 2011.

Administrative Experience

  • Additional Controller of Examinations for PG Exams, GRIET from Dec 2015 to Dec 2018.
  • Head, Department of MCA, MRITS, Hyderabad, from June 2008 to August 2012.
  • Examinations Incharge for both UG & PG courses at MRITS, Hyderabad, from June 2008 to August 2012

Committee Work

  • Coordinator for “Data Science” training course, at GRIET, 23rd July 2018 to 15th November 2018.
  • Organizing Member (International Conference, ICWSNUCA-2018), 24th to 25th Aug 2018, GRIET, Hyderabad.
  • Coordinator for workshop on “Introduction to Machine Learning”, GRIET in association with IIT Kharaghpur, 2017-18.
  • Co-coordinator for FDP on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics”, GRIET in association with NIT, Warangal, 2016-17.
  • Coordinator for “Technacy”, CSE Technical club, GRIET, 2014-2016
  • Coordinator for College Annual Day Celebrations, GRIET, 2015-16.
  • Member for NBA(PG) Committee, GRIET, 2016-2018.
  • Coordinator for College Annual Day Celebrations, MRITS, 2009-2011.
  • II B Tech CSE overall Coordinator, GRIET
  • PRC member and Coordinator for M.Tech, 2016-2018 Batch, GRIET.
  • Mentor for III B.Tech students, GRIET.

Courses Taught

  • Python Programming
  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  • Advanced UNIX Programming
  • Unix and Shell Programming
  • Java Programming
  • Scripting Languages
  • Advanced Computer Networks
  • Computer Networks
  • Cryptography and network security
  • Linux programming
  • C & Data Structures
  • Object Oriented Programming through C++
  • Software Engineering
  • Human Computer Interaction


International Journals

1. Published a paper on “CNN Features and Optimized Generative Adversarial Network for COVID-19 Detection from Chest X-Ray Images”, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Scopus indexed, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 1-17, 2022.

2. Published a paper on “Predicting the Price of Pre-Owned Cars Using Machine Learning and Data Science”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), UGC(45842), pp: 1468-1476, ISSN: 2321-9653, Volume 10, July 2022.

3. Published a paper on “SSO: A Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithm”, Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1420, Scopus indexed, pp.879-889, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-9573-5_63, 2022.

4. Published a paper on “Segmentation and detection of brain tumor through optimal selection of integrated features using transfer learning”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCI & Scopus indexed, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12414-0, Jan 2022.

5. Published a paper on “Object Tracking Using Moderate Derivative Gain Kalman Filter”, Lecture Notes Data Engineering and Communications Technologies-93, Scopus indexed, pp.593-601, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6605-6_44, 2022.

6. Published a paper on “Robust and Imperceptible Region Based Watermarking on Medical images”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Scopus indexed, pp.851-858, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3690-5_78, 2022.

7. Published a paper on “A Robust Watermarking Using RDWT and Slant Transform Using Hybrid Firefly and Differential Evolution Optimization”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Scopus indexed, pp.859-866, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3690-5_79, 2022.

8. Published a paper on “Artificial Intelligence Based Learning Approach for Leaf Disease Identification and Detection”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Scopus indexed, pp.837-850, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3690-5_77, 2022.

9. Published a paper on “An efficient smart phone based Parasite Malaria Detection with Deep Neural Networks”, proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications, ICIRCA 2021, Scopus indexed, pp.539-544, October 2021.

10. Published a paper on “Deep learning-based computer aided diagnosis model for skin cancer detection and classification”, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10619-021- 07360-z, Springer, SCI & Scopus indexed, 23 Aug 2021.

11. Published a paper on “Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Text Classification”, Communications in Computer and Information Science 2021, Springer Conference, CCIS 1393, pp. 414–424, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3660-8_39, Scopus indexed, August 2021.

12. Published a paper on “Machine learning model for income classification”, Journal of Education, Ravindra Bharathi University, UGC Care, ISSN : 0972-7175, pp: 44-53Vol. : XXIII, No. :6(III), July 2021.

13. Published a paper on “An Optimization Based deep LSTM Predictive Analysis for Decision Making in Cricket”, Innovative Data Communication Technologies and application, pp: 93-97, Scopus indexed, pp 721-737, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9651-3_59, ISBN 978-981-15-9650-6, ISSN: 2249-6661, 2021.

14. Published a paper on “A Survey on Adversarial Deep Learning Models with Multiple Adversaries”, Sambodhi, pp: 184-187, Vol-43, No.-03 (III), UGC Care Group-1, ISSN: 2249-6661, November-December 2020.

15. Published a paper on “Parasite Malaria Detection Using Smartphone Based Deep Learning Techniques”, Kala Sarovar, pp: 93-97, Vol-23 No.02(II), UGC Care Group-I, ISSN:0975-4520, July-September 2020.

16. Published a paper on “A robust blind oblivious video watermarking scheme using undecimated discrete wavelet transform”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer series, pp.169-177,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5400-1_17, Scopus indexed, Aug 2020.

17. Published a paper on “Hybrid IG and GA based Feature Selection Approach for Text Categorization”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2020, Scopus indexed, pp. 1606–1613, 9297468, 2020.

18. Published a paper on “An Encrypted key Exchange Protocol to Secure Communication among Fog Nodes and the Cloud”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-12, pp: 5193-5197, IF:5.56, Scopus indexed, ISSN: 2278-3075, October 2019.

19. Published a paper on “Gsm Based Face Recognition using Pir Sensor on Raspberry Pi 3”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-12, pp: 329-332, IF:5.56, Scopus indexed, ISSN: 2278-3075, October 2019.

20. Published a paper on “Efficient image restoration methods for image recovery”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, pp:3507-3511, Scopus indexed, ISSN: 2277-3878, September 2019.

21. Published a paper on “Improving efficiency in separating blood vessels from retinal images with deep learning techniques”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, pp:3637-3640, Scopus indexed, ISSN: 2277-3878, September 2019.

22. Published a paper on “Moving Object Detection and Tracking under Different Occlusion Conditions in Video Sequences”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-11, pp: 2641-2647, IF:5.56, Scopus indexed, ISSN 2278-3075, September 2019.

23. Published a paper on “An efficient parallel and distributed algorithm on top of MapReduce”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume-8 Issue-10, pp: 908-911, IF:5.56, Scopus index, ISSN 2278-3075, September 2019.

24. Published a paper on “A Secure Architecture of Design for Testability Structures”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-2, Scopus indexed, pp: 2816-2820, IF:5.92, ISSN: 2277-3878, July 2019.

25. Published a paper on “Detection and Tracking of an Object in a Video Sequence Using Kalman Filter: A Survey”, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), UGC(64077), Vol-05, Issue-02, pp:218-225, ISSN: 2454-9150, May 2019.

26. Published a paper on “Medical Disease Prediction using Grey Wolf Optimization and Auto Encoder based Recurrent Neural Network”, Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), Scopus indexed, Volume 6, No.1 June 2018, pp.229-240.

27. Published a paper on “A Survey on Spatial Domain Image Enhancement Techniques”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 6 Issue IV, IF: 4.895, SJ Impact Factor: 6.887, ISSN: 2321-9653, April 2018.

28. Published a paper on “Power Management on Multicore Processors Using Classification Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications (IJCEA), Volume XII, Issue II, pp: 27-48, ISSN 2321-3469, Google Scholar, Thomson Reuters, UGC (44835), Feb 2018.

29. Published a paper on “A survey on Blind Facial Image Enhancement Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), Volume 5, Issue 12, pp:57-63, IF:3.022, Google Scholar, Research Gate, ICI, UGC (63193), H-index: 009, I10-Index:006, ISSN:2347-2693, Dec 2017.

30. Published a paper on “Image Decomposition and Restoration Model for Blurred Cartoon and Texture Images with Filtering Techniques”, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System (IJEECS), Volume 6, Issue 11, pp:25-32, IF: 2.52, ISSN 2348-117X, Nov 2017.

31. Published a paper on “Fuzzy Based Texton Matrix with Shape Components for Texture Analysis and Texture Classification”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST), Vol-2, Issue-22, ISSN : 2456-5717, April 2017.

32. Published a paper on “Orthogonal Wavelet Decomposition with multi-level thresholding for Image Enhancement”, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), Vol-5, Issue-4, ISSN: 2320-5407, April 2017.

33. Published a paper on “An Efficient Image Steganography for Message Security”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol-6, Issue-3, ISSN(On) : 2319- 8753, ISSN(Pri) : 2347 – 6710, March 2017.

34. Published a paper on “A survey on Top-K Query Search in XML Data”, International Journal of Professional Engineering Studies (IJPRES), Vol-7, Issue-1, September 2016.

35. Published a paper on “A Survey on Rank based Similarity Search using Rank Cover Tree”, International Journal of Professional Engineering Studies (IJPRES), Vol-7, Issue-1, September 2016.

36. Published a paper on “Spatial inverted index by using fast Nearest Neighbor search”, International Journal of Professional Engineering Studies (IJPRES), Vol-4, Issue-4, August 2016.

37. Published a paper on “A Novel Approach for Information Preserving Shape Representation by using Hit-or-Miss Operation”, International Journal on Computing, Communications and Systems (IJCCS), Vol-4, Issue-1, ISSN: 2277-6699, February 2015.

38. Published a paper on “Moment Based Object Classification from Shapes”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol-109, Issue-5, Google Scholar, ISSN: 0975 – 8887, January 2015.

39. Published a paper on, “Performance measures for Image Fusion based on Top-hat transform and Wavelet transform”, International Journal of Smart Business and Technology (IJSBT), Vol-2, Issue-2, ISSN: 2288-8969, Google scholar, December 2014.

40. Published a paper on "WaSS: A Novel Hybrid Method for Object Recognition Using Wavelet based Statistical and Structural Approaches", International Journal for Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Vol-11, Issue-4, ISSN: 1694-0814, Google scholar, July 2014.

41. Published a paper on “An efficient representation of Shape for object recognition and classification using Circular Shift Method”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol-4, Issue-12, ISSN: 2229-5518, Google scholar, Thomson Reuters, December 2013

42. Published a paper on “Hiding Technique in Image processing Using DCT”, International Journal of Advanced Computing, Vol-2, 2010.

Conference Proceedings International

1. Presented a paper on “Analysis of Solar Power Generation Forecasting Using Machine Learning Techniques”, International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2021), Springer series, 6th- 9th Oct 2021.

2. Presented a paper on “Novel Corona Virus Prediction and Transmission Analysis using Machine Learning Models”, International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Aspects for Sustainable Energy (ICMED 2021), Springer series, 24th- 26th Sept 2021.

3. Presented a paper on “Survey Analysis of Solar Power Generation Forecasting”, International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Aspects for Sustainable Energy (ICMED 2021), Springer series, 24th- 26th Sept 2021.

4. Presented a paper on “Deep Neural Network Model for Proficient Crop Yield Prediction”, International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2021), Springer series, 6th- 9th Oct 2021.

5. Presented a paper on “Convolutional and Spiking Neural Network Models for Crop Yield Forecasting”, International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Aspects for Sustainable Energy (ICMED 2021), Springer series, 24th- 26th Sept 2021.

6. Presented a paper on “Object Tracking Using Moderate Derivative Gain Kalman Filter”, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application (ICSCN 2021), Springer series, 29th – 30th July 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6605-6_44.

7. Presented a paper on “An Efficient Smart phone based Parasite Malaria Detection with deep Neural Networks”, International Conference on International conference on Recent Trends & Technologies in Soft Computing (ICRTSC’20), 28th & 29th Sept 2020, ISBN: 978-93-5416-195-7.

8. Presented a paper on “An Optimization based Deep - LSTM Predictive Analytics for decision making in Cricket”, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Applications, ICIDCA – 20, 3rd to 4th September 2020.

9. Presented a paper on “Parasite Malaria Detection using Smartphone Based Deep Learning Techniques”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology, ICRCSIT – 20, 17th & 18th June 2020, ISBN No. 978-93-80831-66-4.

10. Presented a paper on “Integrating Custom Queuing strategy for enhancing security of a Packet Scheduling in Wireless Networks”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology, ICRCSIT – 20, 17th & 18th June 2020, ISBN No. 978-93-80831-66-4.

11. Presented a paper on “A comparative study on image restoration Approaches”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering (ICCIDE-2019), Springer series, 4th-6th July 2019, ISBN - 978-1-5386-8113-8.

12. Presented a paper on “A survey on Segmentation Retinal Blood Vessels with deep learning methods”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering (ICCIDE-2019), Springer series, 4th-6th July 2019, ISBN - 978-1-5386-8113-8.

13. Presented a paper on “A survey on Suicide Related Text Communication on Twitter”, International Conference on International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICCS-2019, IEEE XPLORE, 15th -17th May 2019, ISBN - 978-1-5386-8113-8.

14. Presented a paper on “Cognitive Recognition of Heart Ailments using Fuzzy Logic on ECG samples”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Technologies (ICICCT-2019), Springer series, Hyderabad, 9th to 11th January 2019.

15. Presented a paper on “Video Watermarking Fundamentals and Overview”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Technologies (ICICCT-2019), Springer series, Hyderabad, 9th to 11th January 2019.

16. Presented a paper on “A Robust Roi Recognition Scheme Using Morphological Operations for Medical Image Watermarking”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Technologies (ICICCT-2019), Springer series, Hyderabad, 9th to 11th January 2019.

17. Presented a paper on “Improving the Quality of Facial Image by Integrating Semantic Patches and Supervised Learning Approach”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Technologies (ICICCT-2019), Springer series, Hyderabad, 9th to 11th January 2019.

18. Presented a paper on “Custom Queuing method for enhancing security of a packet scheduling process in Real time Networks”, International Conference on Latest Trends in Electronics and Communication (ICLTEC-2018), MREC, Hyderabad, 28th & 29th December 2018.

19. Presented a paper on “Image Decomposition and Restoration Model for Blurred Cartoon and Texture Images with Filtering Techniques”, International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM 2017), IETE, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 12th Nov 2017, ISBN: 978-81-934288-7-0.

20. Presented a paper on “Texture Analysis and Classification using Fuzzy Based Texton Matrix with Shape Components”, International Conference on Recent Engineering and Technology (ICRET 2017), Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad, 7th April 2017, ISBN: 978-81-904760-9-6.

21. Presented a paper on “A Novel Approach for Information Preserving Shape Representation by using Hit-or-Miss Operation”, International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, Computing and Information Technologies (ICCSPCIT-2014), Hyderabad, 26th – 27th December 2014, ISBN: 978-93-83038-27-5 and received best paper award.

22. Presented a paper on “Fuzzy based Texton Shape Matrix for Texture classification”, International Conference on Sustainability of Digital Libraries-2014 (ICSDL-2014) held at JNTUH, Hyderabad, 25th – 27th September 2014, ISBN-978-93-83635-33-7.

23. Presented a paper on “An efficient approach for improvement of packet scheduling algorithm to secure wireless networks”, International Conference on Sustainability of Digital Libraries-2014 (ICSDL-2014) held at JNTUH, Hyderabad, 25th – 27th September 2014, ISBN-978-93-83635-33-7.

24. Presented a paper on “Fuzzy Rule Based Edge Detection for Object and Texture Classification using Shape Matching”, International Conference on Advanced Computer Technologies and Developments (ICACTD-2014) held at Rajahmundry, 18th – 19th July 2014, ISBN 978-1-4276-5510-3.


1. Presented a paper on “A Survey on image filters in Image Restoration”, National Conference on Information Security (NCIS) on 26th-27th August-2015 at CBIT, Hyderabad.

2. Presented a paper on “Custom queuing method for improvement of Security-Aware Packet Scheduling Algorithm”, National Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehousing (NCDMDW) at MRCET, Hyderabad, December 2010.

3. Presented a paper on “Analyze the customer behavior from E-Commerce Data using Data Mining Technique”, National Conference on Distributed Computing (NCDC) at MRCET, Hyderabad, December2009.

Books Published

1. “Programming and Data Structures” (I-B.Tech, Civil & Mech, SCDE, JNTUH), BSP Publications, 2010.

2. “C & Data Structure” (I-B.Tech, ECE & EEE, SCDE, JNTUH), BSP Publications, 2010.


1. Participated in one week FDP on “Technology Enabled Learning & Life Long Self Learning”, at GRIET from 13-09-2021 to 18-09-2021.

2. Participated in one week FDP on “Instructional Planning and Delivery”, at GRIET from 23-08-2021 to 28-08-2021.

3. Participated in one week FDP on “Creative Problem Solving, Innovation & Meaningful R&D”, at GRIET from 16-08-2021 to 20-08-2021.

4. Participated in one week FDP on “Professional Ethics and Sustainability”, at GRIET from 10-08-2021 to 14-08-2021.

5. Participated in one week ATAL-FDP on “Artificial Intelligence impacts on Telemedicine”, at GRIET from 2-8-2021 to 6-8-2021.

6. Participated in one week FDP on “Communication Skills, Modes and Knowledge Dissemination”, at GRIET from 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021.

7. Participated in one week FDP on “Orientation Towards Technical Education and Curriculum Aspects”, at GRIET from 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021.

8. Participated in one week FDP on “FDP on Machine Learning”, organized by E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur from 19-07-2021 to 24-07-2021.

9. Participated in a four-day FDP on “Student Assessment and Evaluation”, at GRIET from 30-06-2021 to 03-07-2021.

10. Participated in one week FDP on “Research Areas in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with Case Studies”, at GRIET from 14-06-2021 to 20-06-2021.

11. Participated in one week FDP on “Block chain Technology, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy”, at JNTUA from 08-09-2020 to 12-09-2020.

12. Participated in one week workshop on “Women in Cyber security and privacy in 2020” organized by St.Martin’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, from 06-07-2020 to 10-07-2020.

13. Participated in one week FDP on “Online FDP on Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science”, at GRIET from 29-06-2020 to 04-07-2020.

14. Participated in one week FDP on “Advanced Data Science and its applications”, at BVRIT from 22-06-2020 to 26-06-2020.

15. Participated in one week FDP on “Applications of IOT “, at NITTTR, Chundighar from 16-06- 2020 to 20-06-2020.

16. Participated in one week FDP on “Moodle Learning Management System”, at JNTUCES from 10- 06-2020 to 15-06-2020.

17. Participated in one week FDP on “AI for Robotics”, at GRIET from 28-05-2020 to 03-06-2020.

18. Participated in a two day workshop on “Block Chain Technology” organized by KMIT, Hyderabad, from 12/06/2020 to 13/06/2020.

19. Participated in one week FDP on “Cyber Security”, at GNITS from 28/5/2020 to 1/6/2020.

20. Participated in one week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence”, at BVRIT from 22-05-2020 to 26-05- 2020.

21. Participated in three days FDP on “Data Analytics for Modern Research”, from 21-05-2020 to 23- 05-2020 at GRIET.

22. Participated in one week FDP on “Big Data Tools”, at St.Martins Engineering College, from 18- 05-2020 to 23-05-2020.

23. Participated in one week FDP on “AICTE Margdarshan FDP on Art of Writing Papers and Research Methodologies” from 07-05-2020 to 13-05-2020.

24. Participated in a two day workshop on “Online Tools & Software for Remote Teaching – Learning” organized by UGC-HRDC, JNTUH from 24th & 25th April 2020.

25. Participated in a three day workshop on “Applications of Deep Learning for Signal and Image Processing using Python” at GRIET from 10th – 12th December 2019.

26. Participated in one week FDP on “Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Applications with PySpark”, from 2nd to 6th Dec 2019.

27. Participated in a two day workshop on “Digital Learning through Web & Cloud Apps” From 28th to 29th August 2019 at GRIET.

28. Participated in a three day workshop on “Machine Learning and Its Applications” at Vasavi College of Engineering from 28th to 30th November 2018.

29. Participated in one day workshop on “Design Thinking” at GRIET on 8th November 2018.

30. Participated in 5 day Faculty Development Program on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” conducted by ICT Academy in association with DELL from 10th to 15th, September 2018 at GRIET.

31. Participated in one day Business Conference titled “Annual Business Analyst Conference (IIBA) 2018” at GNITS, on 1st September 2018.

32. Participated in a three-day workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning” at SREC, Warangal from 17th to 19th June 2018.

33. Participated in one week FDP on “Machine Learning for Industrial Applications” at CYIENT Ltd. in association with IBM & Smart Bride, from 11th to 15th June 2018.

34. Participated in a two day workshop, Boot Camp on “Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics” at CMRIT from 7th to 8th May 2018.

35. Participated in one day workshop on “Data Science using Python” at GRIET on 5th January 2018.

36. Participated in One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” conducted by GRIET in association with NIT-Warangal from 4th- 6th & 11th-13th November 2016.

37. Participated in 3 weeks Workshop on “Learning Business Intelligence using IBM Cognos” at GRIET in association with IBM, from 28th Dec 2015 – 1st Jan 2016, 6th - 10th Jan 2016, 15th - 19th Feb 2016.

38. Participated in 2 weeks course on “Open Source Software through TEL by Spoken Tutorials” at IT Dept, GRIET in association with IIT Bombay from 6th to 17th September 2016.

39. Participated in four Week workshop on “Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended learning” conducted by IIT Bombay at GRIET, Hyderabad from 2nd May to 10th July 2016.

40. Participated in a two-day workshop on “Network Simulation using NS-2”, at IT Dept., GRIET (under TEQIP), from 8th to 9th Jan 2016.

41. Participated in a two-day FDP on “Current Research Trends in Computer Science” at GRIET from 18th to 19th December 2015.

42. Participated in a two-day FDP on “Internet of Things (IoT) and its Applications” at GRIET from 4th to 5th December 2015.

43. Participated in one Week workshop on “Guide to a Passionate Teacher” conducted by GRIET, Hyderabad from 29th June to 4th July 2015.

44. Participated in two Week ISTE workshop on “Computer Networking” conducted by IIT Bombay through ICT at GRIET, Hyderabad from 28th May to 29th June 2014, 30th June to 5th July 2014.

45. Participated in Two Week ISTE workshop on “Database Management Systems” conducted by IIT Bombay through ICT at GRIET, Hyderabad from 21st to 31st May 2013.

46. Participated in Two Week ISTE workshop on “Introduction to Research Methodologies” conducted by IIT Bombay through ICT at GRIET, Hyderabad from 25th June to 4th July 2012.

47. Participated in one Week FDP on “Soft Computing and Machine learning” conducted by GRIET, Hyderabad from 3rd to 8th March 2014.

48. Participated in a three day FDP on “J2ME” at GRIET from 18th to 20th February 2013.

49. Participated in a three day FDP on “System Software Development” at GRIET from 21st to 23rd February 2013.

50. Participated in a two day FDP on “Android Application Development” at GRIET from 27th to 28th February 2013.

51. Participated in a three day FDP on “Java Programming” at GRIET from 29th to 31st January 2013.

52. Participated in a two day workshop, “Computational Methods-Emphasis on Programming Skills & C Language” at GRIET from 28th to 29th August 2012.

53. Participated in a three day workshop, “Mobile Application Development using J2ME and Android” at JNTUH in collaboration with CDAC, at JNTUH, Hyderabad from 15th to 17th March 2012.


1. Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (LMISTE).
2. Life Member, Computer Society of India (CSI).

      Professional Work


1. Organized one week FDP on “NITTT MODULE5-Technology Enabled Learning and Life Long Self Learning”, at GRIET from 13 Sept 2021 to 18 Sept 2021.

2. Organized one week FDP on “Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Applications with PySpark” at GRIET from 02 Dec to 06 Dec 2019.

3. Organized one week “Big Data Analytics” Training Program for III B.Tech. CSE students as a coordinator, at GRIET from 22nd to 26th Feb 2019.

4. Organized “Data Science” Training Program for III B.Tech. CSE students as a coordinator, at GRIET in association with Xenon Stack, Chundigarh from 23rd July 2018 to 15th Sept 2018 (8 weeks).

5. Organized Springer International conference on “Wireless Sensor Netwoks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications (ICWSNUCA-2018)” in GRIET from 24th to 25th August 2018.

6. Organized a two-day workshop on “Introduction to Machine Learning” as a coordinator at GRIET in association with IIT, Kharagpur from 16th to 17th Dec 2017.

7. Organized One Week National Level Faculty Development Programme in Association with NIT Warangal on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” as a Co-coordinator at GRIET, Hyderabad from 4th- 6th & 11th-13th November 2016.

8. Organizer for Annual Day event held at GRIET, 2015-16.

9. Organized a two-day FDP on “Current Research Trends In Computer Science” as a member, at CSE, GRIET from 18th to 19th December 2015.

10. Organized one week FDP on “Guide to Passionate Teacher” as a CSE Coordinator at Career and Counseling Dept., GRIET from 29th June 2015 to 4th July 2015.

11. Organized a two day National Level Conference on “Emerging Trends of Computing Technologies” as a member at GRIET from 18th to 19th March 2013.

12. Organized a three day FDP on “System Software Development” as a member at GRIET from 21st to 23rd February 2013.

13. Organized Departmental Guest Lectures with Experts from Corporate and Universities.

Certification Courses

1. Certified on “Java EE 5 Web Component Developer (OCWCD)” course, 25th April 2014.

2. Certified on “Java 6 SE Programmer (OCJP)” course, 24th July 2013.

3. Obtained NPTEL certificate for “Cloud Computing” course and got top 5% score.

4. Obtained NPTEL certificate for “Introduction to Machine Learning” (Elite Certificate).

5. Obtained NPTEL certificate for “Big Data Computing” (Elite Certificate).

6. Obtained NPTEL certificate for “Introduction to Internet of Things” (Elite Certificate).

7. Obtained NPTEL certificate for “User-centric Computing for Human-Computer Interaction” (Elite Certificate).

8. Obtained SimpliLearn certificates for 5 Courses in latest technology.

9. Obtained Coursera certificates for 7 Courses in current trending technological courses.


1. Delivered a session on “Question paper setting using Blooms Taxonomy” in a one week Faculty Induction Programme held at GRIET from 4th July 2022 to 9th July 2022.

2. Delivered a session on “Tools and Resources for creating Technology Based Learning Environment” in a one week FDP on NITTTR Molule5 - Technology Enabled Learning and Life Long Self Learning held at GRIET from 13 Sept 2021 to 18 Sept 2021.

3. Delivered 4 sessions on “Basic concepts of Python Programming” in Telangana Police Training Classes, held at GRIET & TSPA, Hyderabad, 18th and 20th August 2020.

4. Delivered a session on “Machine Learning Applications using Python Programming” in a one week Online FDP on Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science organized by CSE, GRIET from 29-06-2020 to 04-07-2020.

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