Associate Professor
About myself
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE-AIML & IoT from the month of April 2022 at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology to August 2023.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE in St.Peter’s Engineering College from June 2016 to October 2021.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE in St.Peter’s Engineering College from Sep 2013 to Nov 2014.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE in CM Engineering College, a branch of Malla Reddy Group of Institutions since June 2006 to Dec 2009.
☎ Contact Details
Associate Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
JNTU-H ID: 7621-160616-094646
Gamil id :nethra.pothineni@gmail.com
Mobile: 91-9515728189
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
M.TECHCompleted in 2012 in the domain of Software Engineering, from JBIET, affiliated to JNTUH, with an aggregate of 75%.
B.TECH: Completed B.Tech in 2006 in Sree Kavitha Engineering College, in the department of CSE affiliated to JNTUH, with an aggregate of 68.08%
Professional Background
1. Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE-AIML & IoT from the month of April 2022 at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology to 19th August 2023.
2. Worked as an Asst. Prof in the department of CSE in St.Peter’s Engineering College from June 2016 to October 2021.
3. Worked as an Asst. Prof in the department of CSE in St.Peter’s Engineering College from Sep 2013 to Nov 2014.
4. Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of CSE in CM Engineering College, a branch of Malla Reddy Group of Institutions since June 2006 to Dec 2009.
Administrative Experience
1. Project coordinator for Summer Internship in the department of CSE-AIML and IoT at VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology.
2. Time Table Coordinator at the College Level to allot time tables for all the departments at St Peter’s Engineering College.
3. Project coordinator for various batches during the tenure at SPEC.
4. Criteria 7 Coordinator at the department level, Criteria 3 coordinator for NBA from the department.
5. Mentor and Class coordinator
Committee Work
Assessment Committee Coordinator for the University results at the college level.
Scrutinizer for EDC committee at the college level at St. Peter’s Engineering College.
Courses Taught
Python Programming
R Programming
C Language
OOPS through JAVA
DDiscrete Mathematics
Software Engineering
Published Journals
Conference Proceedings International
1. Title: “Unique Progressive Testament of Cache for Multi-user in cloud Environments” in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research during July 2017. ISSN: 2320 –5547
2. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts(IJCRT) Title: CYBER CRIME REPORTING SYSTEM ISSN: 2320-2882 Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2021
3. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts(IJCRT) Title: Artificial Intelligence Based Healthcare Assistant and Consulting Android Application Volume 9, Issue 6 June 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
4. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Title: A strategy to Attenuate Black Hole attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S, March 2019
National Journals:
Journal Name: Journal of Engineering Sciences. Title: QR code based door opening system ISSN NO:0377-9254 Vol 11, Issue 11, NOV/2020
1. Attended FDP on Data Structures through C in VNR VJIET. Attended 1 week FDP on Data Analytical Tools & Python Framework organized by VNR CSI SC2. Attended Online STTP on “DEEP LEARNING AND ITS APPLICATIONS USING TENSORFLOW AND KERAS” in Sep-2020.
3. Attended virtual FDPs on recent technologies like Python, Artificial Intelligence using Python, Python Data Science , PHP&MySql, Ruby etc during May 2020.
4. Attended 5 day FDP on" Python Programming" from 1st JULY 2019 to 5th JULY 2019.
5. Attended 4 day FDP on "Best Practices in Engineering Education and Research" from 24th JUNE 2019 to 28th JUNE 2019.
6. One week short term training programme through ICT mode on “Introduction to Network Security” organized by St.Peter’s Engg. College from 03.12.2018 to 07.12.2018.
7. One week FDP on “Data Analytics with R” organized by E&ICT academy, NIT, Warangal, from 25th June to 30th June 2018.
8. Attended one week FDP on “Innovative teaching strategies and Interpersonal skills” from 07-05-2018 to 12-05-2018 in association with ICT academy
9. Participated in 5 day FDP on “Data Science and Big Data Analytics” conducted by ICT Academy from 05th june to 09th june 2017 at St.Peter’s Engg. College.
10. One week FDP on “Machine Learning and Data Science with Practical approach for Engineering from 3rd JULY 2017 to 8th JULY 2017.
11. 2 day FDP on “ Performance improvement in teaching skills” on 27th &28th June 2014 conducted by ISTE AP section at St.Peter’s Engineering College.
12. Participated in 2 day National workshop on “Research Methodology” on 3rd & 4th Dec 2013 at St.Peter’s Engineering College.
13. Participated in 2 day AICTE SPONSORED National workshop on “Voice of Ignited Souls(VOIS)” on 7th & 8th Dec 2013 at Malla Reddy College of Engineering.
14. Attended national seminar on “Big Data Analytics and IOT for Healthcare Applications” sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research.
15. Participated in the “Heartfulness of Meditation Event” organized by Heartfulness Institute, on the occasion of “International Day of Yoga” on June 21st 2016 at Gachibowli stadium, Hyderabad.
Professional Work
1. Organised a webinar in VNR VJIET on “Intelligent Robots as a Machine Learning Practitioner”.
2. Faculty coordinator for a workshop during “convergence”, a technical fest in VNR VJIET.
3. Coordinator for International conference organized by St. Peter’s Engineering College.