P. Samyuktha
Assistant Professor
About myself
My self P. Samyuktha , and I
am loyal, talented teacher who loves making a difference in the lives of students.
I am open-minded, patient and supportive towards other people.
☎ Contact Details
P. Samyuktha
Assistant Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Faculty ID: 1762
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: samyuktha1762@grietcollege.com
Mobile No.:9620269997
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
PhD(Computer Science and Engineering). Registered in BITS PILANI, Hyderabad Campus in Jan-2023
M.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) . RVR & JC college of Engineering, 2009
B.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering). Vignan’s Engineering College,2005 t
Professional Background
Assistant Professor in Vasvai College of Engineering, CSE dept. from March 2021 to May 2023.
Assistant Professor in BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women, CSE dept. from Jan 2020- Dec 2020.
Assistant Professor in VASAVI College of Engineering, CS dept. from Dec 2016- July 2017.
Lecturer in JGRVK School from Dec 2014-July 2016.
Assistant Professor in MVJ College of Engineering, CS dept. from Jan 2013-June 2013.
Assistant Professor in TRR College of Engineering for Women, CS dept. from July 2010 –Jan 2011.
Assistant Professor in Vignan’s Engineering College, CSE dept. from June 2005-Aug-2007.
Courses Taught
1.Advanced Computer Architecture
2. Operating Systems
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Interfacing
5. Internet of Things
6. Introdcution to Entreprenuership
7.computer Networks.
International :
1.International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Volume 70 Issue 11, 10-18, November 2022 ISSN: 2231 – 5381 A Novel Approach to Analysis Consequence of Climate Changes on Erythemato-Squamous Diseases using Machine Learning Algorithms
2. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS54159.2022 during 25-26 March 2022, Prediction of COVID 19- Chest Image Classification and Detection using RELM Classifier in Machine Learning
3. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Special Issue – April 2017 ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 131 Classification of Mammograms using Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix and Support Vector Machine Classifier.
Certification Courses
1. NPTEL Online certificate “Effective Teaching and Learning in Practise”,March-2023
2. NPTEL online certificate “Introduction to Operating Systems”Sep-2021.
3. Data Analysis with Python on May 25th, 2020-Coursera
4. PYTHON 101 for Data Science on April 9th, 2020.
5.PYTHON essentials basics from PYTHON Institute.
6. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python), University of MICHIGAN. Coursera
7. Introduction to Data science in April 2020-Coursera