Dr. Sanjeeva Polepaka
About myself
Dr. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Associate Professor of AIMLE, Completed his Ph D from JNTU Hyderabad. He has 20 years of teaching experience in various reputed engineering colleges in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.He has completed his M Tech in CSE from Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur, and B.Tech (CSE) from SRKREC (AU) ,Bhimavaram . His Research includes Image processing and Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligent. He has published 35 in various International , National Journals and International conferences .He has published 4 patients .He has guided 35 B Tech projects and 15 M Tech Projects.
☎ Contact Details
Dr. Sanjeeva Polepaka
Associate Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
E mail: psanjesus@gmail.com, sanjeeva1690@grietcollege.com
Mobile: +91-9849342802
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3562-1096
JNTU-H ID: 4994-150408-112901
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Ph D (CSE) from JNTUH , in March 2022.
Completed M.Tech (CSE) from KLCE,ANU Guntur in 2007.
Completed B.Tech (CSE) with from SRKR engineering college ,Bhimavaram affiliated to AU, in 1999.
Professional Background
Working as Asscociate Professor in Gokaraju Rangaraju institute of Technology ,Hyderabad from 19th April 2022 to till date.
Worked as Associate Professor in Malla Reddy Engineering College(A),Campous I, Hyderabad ,from April 2015 to April 2022.
Worked as Associate professor and HOD CSE & IT department in KBREC, Bhongiri from June 2009 to March 2015.
Worked as Associate professor and HOD ,CSE & It Departmet in Aditya Engineering College,Kakinada from March 2007 to June 2009.
Worked as a Lecturer in Vidya Jyothi College,Warangal from September 2000 to June 2005
Areas of Interest:
Operating Systems, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms.
Responsibilites in Department
To guide the students in achieving their academic goals
Active participation in NBA and NACC at Department level.
Guide, lead and mentor students in academics and its progression.
Planning and Coordinating Faculties and Students.
Counselling the Students adequately to make them mentally strong and bold.
Shoulder and nurture the Faculties, when necessity arises.
Supervise and support teaching Faculties.
Review, assess and evaluate the activities and overall progress for the improvement of the Students' Career.
Courses Taught
Operating Systems
Automata Theory and Computations(FLAT)/TOC
Advanced Data Structures(Data Structures through C++)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Software Engineering
Computer Organisation
Unified Modelling Language
Human Computer Interface
Storage Area Networks
International Journals
1. Mr. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Dr. R. P. Ram Kumar, Lazarus SF and Dasari Vamsi Krishna, “An Insight on machine learning algorithms and its applications”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume No. 8, Issue No. 11S2, September 2019, ISSN No: 2278-3075, Page No’s: 432-436, DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1069.09811S219 (Scopus Indexed)
2. Mr. P. Sanjeeva M. Swami Das and Dr. R. P.Ram Kumar Presented a paper entitled Internet -of-things: Its Applications”, (Springer) International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA – 2019) on 16-08-2019 at Goa, India (Scopus Indexed)
3. Mr.Sanjeeva Polepoka , N.Kavyasree, “Cooccurence of keywords to measure the availability of the data terms in big data. International Journal of Research,2019, Vol.8, Issue. 6, pp.1529-1533
4. R. P. Ram Kumar, Sanjeeva Polepaka, B. Vijay Kumar "Transforming the Traditional Farming into Smart Farming Using Drones "International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics-2018 ,(ICCII-2018)" Scopus, Book chapter "AISC, Volume 712" pp. 589-598 (Scopus Indexed)
5. Sanjeeva Polepaka , Ch. Srinivasa Rao,M. Chandra Mohan, “An Intelligent Decision support system using Image Fusion and Support Vector Machine, Journal of advanced in Dynamic & control systems, Vol. 10, No.7, 2018, pp 362- 371 (Scopus Indexed)
6. Mr.Sanjeeva Polepaka, Arul V Manjari, “ Systematic and demonstrative keyword search over encrypted data in cloud “ Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research July, 2018,vol.5, issue.7, pp.204—211
7. Sanjeeva Polepaka, R. P. Ram Kumar, “A Study on Performance Analysis of Multi-Level Feedback Queue Scheduling Approach,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-2S December, 2018, pp.427-428 (Scopus Indexed)
8. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Ch Srinivasa Rao, M Chandra Mohan,” IDSS-based Two stage classification of brain tumor using SVM”, Health and Technology, SPRINGER Journal, pp. 1- 10 (E Sci ,WoS and Scopus indexed)
9. Rakesh Dey, Mr.Sanjeeva Polepaka Attribute based secured encryption storage supporting data in cloud International Journal of Scientific Research in CSEIT, April,2018, vol.3, issue.3, pp.2046—2052
10. Nambi Vikramaditya, Mr. Sanjeeva Polepaka A Personalized Search Engine with Secure Data Storage in CloudInternational Journal of Research, November, 2017, vol. 4, issue., 14, pp. 698-702
11. Mr.Sanjeeva Polepaka, “Brain Tumor Segmentation Methods: A Review and Challenges” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering, vol-6, Issue-11, November 2017
12. Mr. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Thampula Mounika, “Primary storage systems over cloud for leveraging data deduplication” International Journal of Research October, 2017 , vol.4, issue.13 pp.1099-1105
13. Mr. Sanjeeva Polepaka ,“Primary Storage Systems Over Cloud For Leveraging Data Deduplication ” in International Journal of Research , vol-4, Issue- 13, October 2017.
14. Mr.Sanjeeva Polepaka, “A Personalized Search Engine with Secure Data Storage in Cloud” in International Journal of Research , vol-4, Issue- 14, November 2017
15. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Gali Sai Kiran“Data Security in Clouds Using Proxy Server Provided Keys International “Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology June, 2017, vol.6, issue.6, pp.12354-12359
16. Sanjeeva Polepaka, “Data Security in Clouds Using Proxy Server Provided Keys” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol-6, Issue- 6, June 2017.
17. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Thadukamatla Madhukar Reddy“HMAC- SHA-1 and Proof of Ownership Protocol on Cloud data storage “ International Journal of Research January, 2017 , vol. 4, issue.1, pp.144—150
18. Sanjeeva Polepaka, Satrajupalli Nagalakshmi “Unreliable portrait Information screening with contrast Enhancement International” Journal of Computer science Information and Engineering Technologies(ISSN. 2277-4408), vol.2, issue.6, pp 1—5
19. Bandari Divya Keerthi, Sanjeeva Polepaka Improving performance in parallel and independent acess to Encrypted cloud databases International Journal of Professional Engineering Studies May , 2016, vol.6, issue.3, pp.125—129
20. Dr. RP Ramkumar, Hima Sampatharao, Vijay Kumar Burugari, and Sanjeeva Polepaka, Application domains of Internet of things : A survey, IJETSR, issno. 2394-3386, vol.3,issue.10, 2016,pp. 54-58
21. Mr. Sanjeeva Polepaka International Conference 12th International Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and Management” (IETE) Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Osmania University, Hyderabad 19-11-2017
22. Dr. R.P. Ram Kumar, Mr. B. Vijay Kumar, Mr. Sanjeeva Polepaka International Conference 6th International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Management The Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Lodhi Road, New Delhi 09-10-2016
23. An Insight on Machine Learning Algorithms and its Applications,R. P. Ram Kumar, Sanjeeva Polepaka, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11S2, September 2019.
24. R. P. Ram Kumar, Sanjeeva Polepaka, “Certain Investigations on Sentimental Analysis Architecture and Tools”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue. 5C, pp. 69-71, February 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
25. R. P. Ram Kumar, Sanjeeva Polepaka, “Certain Investigations on Sentimental Analysis Architecture and Tools”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol. 7, Issue. 5C, pp. 69-71, February 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
Best teacher award from Global teaching awards in 2021
Patents Filed
1. One Patent filed for Academic year 2019-20 titled “A System and Method of Planting and Breeding-based Internet of Things with Cloud Service and Service Flow Method in Agriculture”
2. Wireless interactive audience participation at a live entertainment event.
3. Educational institutions counselling System
4. Home automation control Based on individualized profiling and Method
Workshops/FDP's/STTPS's/Seminars Attended
1. FDP on “IOT WITH RASPBERRY Pi” at Dept of CSE, MREC (A) from 24.06.2019 29.06.2019.
2. FDP on “Machine Learning for Industrial Applications” Smart Bridge “Educational Services Pvt.Ltd.Hyderabad , from 11.6.2018 to 15.06.2018.
3. FDP on “Recent Trends in Cloud Computing & Big Data Analytics” Dept of CSE ,MREC(A)11.07.2016 to 16.07.2016
4. FDP on “Software Testing "E&ICT Academy, NIT- Warangal " 20.12.2015 24.12.2015
5. Work shop on “Research Methodology ” conducted at JNTU Hyderabad in2012
6. Work shop on” Free Software Movement of India ” conducted at Mahindra Satyam Hyderabad in 2010
7. Work shop on” Embedded Systems and Practice” conducted at Aditya engineering college ,Kakinada on 20th and 21st ,Sep 2008.
8. Work shop on “Embedded systems and practice” at Sri Prakash engineering college, Tuni on 9th and 10th Aug, 2008.
9. Work shop on “Data Ware Housing & Business Intelligent “at JNTU Kakinada on 21st and 22nd Jan 2008
10. Work shop on “Oracle 10g concepts” at Noble institute of technology, Vizag and science from 28th July to 1st Aug, 2007
11. Work shop on “Microsoft Technologies” at RIIMS, Tirupathi from 17th to 21st DEC 2007.
12. Workshop on ”Gender Sensitization”, JNTU-H, Hyderabad on 12-02-2016
13. Workshop on ”Outcome Based Education and Accreditation” Gurunanak Institutions, Hyderabad 06-11-2015 To 07-11-2015
14. Workshop “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation “ JNTU-H, Hyderabad 14-09-2015
15. FDP on “Python Programming “ Webcognize Pvt. Ltd. & MREC (A) 10.12.2018 To 15.12.2018
16. FDP on “Machine Learning for Industrial Applications “Smart Bridge Educational Services Pvt.Ltd.Hyderabad 11.6.2018 To 15.06.2018
17. FDP on “Web Services and Internet of Things” at G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad 01.12.2015 To 05.12.2015
18. FDP on “ Software Testing “E&ICT Academy, NIT- Warangal from 20.12.2015 To 24.12.2015
19. FDP on “Python for Machine learning “VNRVJIT from 18.05.2020 to 23.06.2020
20. FDP on “Linux Foundation and implementation of data structures “VNRVJIT from 11.05.2020 to 16.05.2020
21. STTP, Research Methodology in Engineering and Technical Writing using LaTeX (Sponsored by AICTE), at MREC(A), from 02.12.2020 to 07.12.2020
1. Life Member in Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
2. Life Member in Computer Society of India (CSI).
3. Member of MISTE
4. Member of MIAENG
5. Member of MCSTA
6. Member of MSDIWC
7. Member of MEAI
Professional Work
Courses/Conferences/Symposiums/Workshops Organised
1. Organized two day workshop on “Android Application Development” during 19th and 20th September, 2016, in association with Netar Software Services Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Telangana State.
2. Organized the Faculty Development Programme on “IBM CE-Enterprise Application Development and Deployment on Cloud using IBM Blue Mix” in association with IBM Career Education Program at MREC (A) from 19th February to 22ndFebruary, 2018.
3. Organized the Faculty Development Programme on “IBM CE – Essentials of Big Data with Hadoop using IBM Infosphere Big insights” in association with IBM Career Education Program at MREC (A), from 21stMay to 25thMay, 2018
4. Organized the course titled “Machine Learning with Python” in association with Digital Lync Technologies Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad, from 21stJune to 28thJune, 2018 at MREC (A).
5. Organized the Faculty Development Programme on “Amazon Web Services” in association with Rule paper Academy from 9th July to 14thJuly, 2018 at MREC (A).
6. Coordinator for Brain-Hunt Event in “Vishesh-2018” held on 15thSeptember 2018 at MREC (A).
7. Organized National Level Faculty Development Programme in “Python Programming” conducted by the Department of CSE, MREC (A), Secunderabad, in association with Web cognize Softech Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, from 10thto 15thDecember, 2018.
8. Organized One Week Faculty Development Programme on “IoT with Raspberry Pi” conducted by the Department of CSE, MREC (A),Secunderabad, in association with Web cognize Softech Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, from 24thto 29th June, 2019.
9. Coordinator for Brain-Hunt Event in “Vishesh-2019” held on 14thSeptember 2019 at MREC (A)