Mrs Saritha Kambhampati
Assistant Professor
About myself
Saritha kambhampati, Assistant Professor of AIMLE, Completed her
MTech in CSE from Bomma institute of technology and science, Khammam. She has 3
years of teaching experience in Sree vahini Institute of Science & Technology,
Tiruvuru, Andhra Pradesh,and in Prof. Ramareddy college of Engineering & Technology,
Patancheru, Hyderabad. She completed her BTech in CSE from Sree Kavitha engineering
college , Karepally, Khammam.
☎ Contact Details
Mrs Saritha Kambhampati
Assistant Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: : sariask1@gmail.com, sartha1697@grietcollege.com
Mobile: 91-9390049427, 91-9492771039
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
M.TECH in the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering from Bomma Institute of Science and Technology ,Khammam , JNTUH in 2012
B.TECH in Computer Science and Engineering from Sree Kavitha engineering college ,Karepally, Khammam.
Professional Background
1.Working as Assistant Professor in Gokaraju Rangaraju institute of Technology, Hyderabad from 4th July 2022.
2.Worked as Assistant Professor in Sree vahini Institute of science &Technology, Tiruvuru from April 2012 To June 2014.
3.Worked as an Assistant Professor in Professor Rama Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad from Aug 2009 To Sept 2010.
Courses Taught
Programming for Problem Solving
Principles of programming Languages
Scripting Languages
1. Attended 10 days FDP on “Optimization Techniques Using ML For Engineering Discipline” conducted by E&ICT Academy& Department of computer science & Engineering, NIT, Warangal.
2. Attended a three day Workshop on “Effective Teaching Skills” organized by Department of Humanities & Science, Sree Vahini Institute of science &Technology,tiruvuru,AP.