Assistant Professor
About myself
To become a complete as well as competent computer professional, providing value to both the firm and the society.
Pursuing PhD in KLUniversity ,Vijayawada. Completed Master in Engineering from Anna university.Has total 11 years of teaching experience.Area of interest include Bigdata,Machine learning,Genomics Privacy,Information Security
☎ Contact Details
Assistant Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: shamila1621@grietcollege.com
Mobile: 91-9533065054
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Pursuing PhD in K L University,Vijayawada
Completed Master in Engineering from Anna University,Chennai with first class
Completed B-tech from Mahathma Gandhi University,Kerala with Distinction
Professional Background
Working as Assistant Professor in CSE(AI/ML) in GRIET SINCE May 2021.
Worked as Assistant Professor, CSE Department in MALLA REDDY ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Autonomous) from September 2014 to May 2021.
Worked as Assistant professor Computer Science and Engineering Department in SVIT Engineering College (Hyderabad), from January 2010 to June 2014.
Worked as Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering Department in IES College of Engineering (Kerala), from Aug 2006 to Nov 2009.
Courses Taught
Computer programming in C
Data structures
Java Programming
Computer Networks
Computer Organisation
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
International Journals
1. Shamila M, Roshni N, Amit K Tyagi, “Beyond everything: The role and importance of cybersecurity in smart era”, Computer Reviews Journal (PURKH), 2019 Volume 5, ISSN NO 2581-6640
2. Sravanthi K, Shamila M, Amit K Tyagi, ” Cyber physical systems: The role of machine learning and cyber security in present and future”, Computer Reviews Journal(PURKH), 2019 Volume 4, ISSN NO 2581-6640
3. Divya Y, Shamila M, “Opinion Mining on Software Methodologies Using user tweet”, International Science and Technology Journal, 2018 Volume 7 Issue 5, ISSN NO 1632-2882
Conference Proceedings
1. Shamila M,Vinuthna K, Amit K Tyagi ,” A Review on Several Critical Issues and Challenges in IoT based e-Healthcare System”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2019), Vaigai College Engineering (VCE), Madurai,May 2019
2. Amit K Tyagi,Shamila M ,” Spy in the Crowd: How User’s Privacy Is Getting Affected with the Integration of Internet of Thing’s Devices”, Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019) Amity university, Rajasthan,Feb 2019
Chapter on genetic data analysis approved by IGI global press in book named “Handbook of Research on Disease Prediction Through Data Analytics and Machine Learning” in the year 2021
Professional Work
1. Introduction to Bigdata autherised by University of CaliforniaSanDeigo offered by Coursera in June 2021
2. AI for Everyone autherised by deeplearning.ai and offered through Coursera in July 2020
3. Blockchain Basics autherised by University at Buffalo and the state university of Newyork offered through Coursera in July 2020
4. Introduction to Machine Learning autherised by Duke University offered through Coursera in June 2020